Worms Inside Honeycombs!

In this eye-opening video, we’re showcasing a cautionary tale of what can go horribly wrong when you entrust bee removal to someone inexperienced. The footage reveals an abandoned bee hive and honeycombs that are thoroughly infested with worms. This unfortunate situation is a direct consequence of hiring an amateur for bee removal. Such amateurs often employ a ‘spray and seal’ approach, failing to understand that simply sealing the hive is insufficient. This leaves the hive, and its honey, intact within your walls or property.

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This lack of proper hive removal creates an ideal breeding ground for hive beetles, which deposit their eggs within the untouched hive. Once hatched, the larvae not only feast on the honey but also excrete waste that contaminates it, causing the honey to ferment and turning the combs almost black. In the video, you’ll see that the hive is completely undefended with no bees in sight and the honeycombs are discolored due to the fecal matter from the worms. The smell it gives off has a very distinct odor of a mixture of hard liquor and trash. That is the best way to describe it.

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This horror story doesn’t end with just an infested hive. Several months after hiring an amateur, the homeowners found themselves dealing with a new, ghastly issue. Worms, specifically, hive beetle larva began appearing throughout their home, even making unsettling appearances on their bedroom floors and carpet. The worms typically begin to fall throughout the light fixtures of the house. Every room that has a light fixture, will eventually see worms falling through them. Distraught, they reached out to us. We promptly diagnosed the issue and traced it back to the abandoned, neglected hive.

So let this serve as a warning: always opt for qualified professionals when dealing with bee removal or any wildlife issue. The consequences of cutting corners can be both disgusting and distressing, affecting your comfort and safety in your own home.

Miami Bee Removal Corp.
235 NW 72nd Ave, #26
Miami, FL 33126