Live Africanized Bee Attack! Bee Removal

Okay, you guys, buckle up for a seriously intense bee removal video. In it, you’ll see me approach a beehive dangerously close; luckily, I was wearing my bee suit. You’ll hear it all unfold as those bees attacked me crazily upon their first sight of me.

Now, pay attention for a string of “click” noises as you watch. You might be wondering, “What is that?” A bee ricocheting off my armor and helmet, I take it. Each click represents a bee sting I was able to avoid thanks to my protective gear. It’s fascinating, but the implications are a little unsettling.

Why then am I here, so close to this nest? Well, the State has mandated that this hive be permanently destroyed. In some cases, hives must be relocated because they are located too close to populated areas. You can never tell who has an allergy to bees or will do something out of fear that will anger the bees.

Don’t try this at home, like, ever. It’s awesome to watch, but remember: don’t try this at home. If you come across a beehive, make sure to tell an adult right away. They will be aware of the proper procedures and may even hire professionals to relocate the hive. I’m wearing a protective suit and underwent specialized training to do this. It’s crucial that you play it safe and let the professionals take care of it.

Play the bee removal video and experience the thrill for yourself. You’ll feel like you’re fighting off a hive of bees alongside me. However, it is important to remember to keep a safe distance from hives and to leave any necessary treatment to the experts. Never put caution last!

Update: I took a sample of 50 bees inside a bottle, and mailed it to the Florida Department of Agriculture for analysis to determine the bee race. Their findings are that these are in-fact 100% AFRICANIZED BEES!! Footage of bees in the bottle:
bees inside a bottle

Miami Bee Removal Corp.
235 NW 72nd Ave, #26
Miami, FL 33126